Many of us use a neti pot or some sort of a nasal wash. If it helps you, this is a good practice. What many people are not told is that using a neti wash is only part of the process. After neti it can be recommended to use oil. Oiling is also recommended if you have very dry sinuses. By oiling I mean putting a few drops of oil in each nostril. Neti then oil is the standard procedure. We can buy oil imported from somewhere, with ingredients we can not pronounce and do not know what they are, or, we can use sesame oil. An allergist doctor that I know recommended the use of a product called Ponaris, a nasal emollient (that was included in NASAs space kit). I can read the ingredients and it smells pleasantly “pine like”. I use this more that neti, as my sinuses are very dry. Perhaps I am dating myself, but if you ever had your mother get the Vicks vapor rub and put it everywhere when you were sick as a child then you probably understand this concept. Ponaris is my new favorite product in my medicine cabinet.
This is not recommended in place of medical care, in fact you should always check with your doctor before trying anything new.