If you live in an area enjoying winter these are a few things I find helpful. Always wear sunscreen, snow increases the effects of the sun and can act like a mirror. This is especially true if you live at a higher elevations. Some of the worse sun burns I have ever seen were from skiing on Mt Hood. Skin cancer is a serious issue.
Remember stay hydrated. Indoor heating systems, wearing heavy coats, can contribute to dehydration. If you workout outside in the cold you still sweat. I wear synthetic fibers when exercising outside because they keep the moisture off the body. Dehydrate can be an unexpected issue in winter.
Use a humidifier. Your skin and sinuses will thank you. I use a humidifier that also distributes aromatherapy.
If your sinuses are dry use something like Ponaris. It is an oil used in the space program for the nose.
Take your vitamin D. Especially if you live in an area where people can have deficiencies, I find it very important to know my numbers. Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin, actually is a hormone responsible for some very important functions. It is also a very good idea to research what vitamin D is responsible for, however, do so from a reputable medical resource.
It is cold, we want comfort foods. Make vegetable soups. Nutritious and delicious. As you know it is one of my favorite ways to get my vegetables. Add beans and corn for fiber and nutrition. Grains like quinoa make soups more filling.
Find the beauty of every season and always, Keep Yourself Sacred!