On my iPhone I have Pillbox and Pillboxie. Pillbox allows me to enter family members and all prescription medicines taken by that person. It may not sound glamorous, but in an emergency I may not remember every name or my mind may be worrying about something else. I just open my app and everything a doctor or first responder may need is listed. Pillboxie allows the addition of medications with alarms/schedule and notes per medication. Both apps are useful for as tools for ourselves or to keep track of family members. Pillbox is a great way to list information for doctor visit or emergencies. Pillboxie is useful to add medications, alarms when to take/administer, with space to add notes (such as to be taken on an empty stomach). I really hope nobody ever needs these, but they are great tools if you or anyone you love needs to take any medication.
My Favorite Apps/Healthy Living Tools
January 31, 2012 by