What is an Integrative Health Coach? An Integrative Health Coach is a Coaching program created by Duke Integrative Medicine. Using the Duke Integrative model for medicine, when a life changing diagnosis is given an Integrative Health Coach helps create a personalized health plan based on your current and individual needs based on where you are. You are not alone. A coach is a resource for the individual and family. No prescriptions or diagnosis is given by your Coach. A coach will help you pick which combination of conventional and complementary approaches work best for you. Current resources provided by Duke are used. For example only individuals trained by Duke are legally authorized to use the Wheel of Health and other forms and resources provided. Duke uses the team approach. A group of physicians, psychologists, yoga therapist, tai chi, MBSR, art therapists, journaling, gyms and trainers, and more on all in one location in a relaxing location off site from the actual hospital. The location is beautiful and relaxing. It looks more like a spa than a hospital. The Integrative Health Coach guides the patient through the process and is an integral part of health and healing.
Integrative Health Coaches have also been used successfully, in the corporate world, gyms, for life transitions, job change, education and more.
What makes me unique is that I also have professional credentials and experience in education (B.S., and an M.A.). I am Cardiac & Cancer Yoga Therapist (based on the protocols from the Dean Ornish program) and a professional level Kripalu Yoga Teacher (500 Hour). I will describe these another day!
In addition I can provide all services in Spanish and English!