Finding My Way Back To Me

Many traditions refer to having a practice, which is a very nice thing.  However, I have found that going to what grounds me, keeps me centered and calm in times of stress is a good place to start.  Finding that calming activity and making that a daily habit is an excellent practice.  Once I have […]

Finding My Way Back To Me

As the days get darker it is a wonderful time to practice keeping ourselves sacred.  Darker days invite us to slow down, enjoy softness and warmth.  As we enjoy the transition, it is a wonderful time to create rituals that allow us to celebrate ourselves. Start doing more of what we love, spending time relaxing, […]

Integrative Beauty

To reduce worry lines, have faith, believe.  Do the work needed and then release the stress to a belief that it will all work out. A reason is present for all and everything happens as it should. Just believe and let it go!

Finding My Way Back To Me

Take time to think and sit with the thoughts and actions before making any big decision. More time spent in thought now can mean less time spent in regret later.

Integrative Beauty

For a small waistline, wear belts. For a youthful mind, meditate.

Finding My Way Back To Me

How is it that we can hold something precious in our hearts while letting it slip through our fingers.

Integrative Beauty

Generally speaking beautiful skin can mirror our nutrition.  We can all do research on medically sound websites for foods that are anti inflammatory or the most nutritional.  The green smoothie movement uses many of these.  I do try to eat a reasonably healthy diet and it does show on my skin when I deviate…  For […]

Finding My Way Back To Me

In life we must all do our due dillegence, however at some point we may need to add a little faith.  Keep yourself sacred.

Integrative Beauty

As previously mentioned, water is key to health and beautifies.  However,  how do we know when we have had enough?  Personally I observe my fingers….if my rings are tight then I must drink.  If my rings have space then I am well hydrated.  If my rings are falling off my fingers, I am okay.  See […]

Finding My Way Back To Me

Some of the resources I recommend to my clients are:  Jon Kabat Zinn, CDs or downloads from the MBSR center, downloads or CDs from Niscala Joy Devi who created the stress management and yoga portion for the Dean Ornish Program and the music of Todd Norian, Celestial Abode to relax.  I hope that is helpful!!!! […]