Maybe we have winter to appreciate summer, sorrow to help us find joy, loss to experience plenty,…. Maybe we need it all. Maybe it is all really a blessing, an exercise in deep appreciation and gratitude, life really is a gift on every level. Keep Yourself Sacred!
Finding My Way Back To Me
Spring is the season for rebirth. Beginnings and endings are some of the only constants in life, everything has its cycle. Perhaps we need both,…they are Mother Natures way to teach us to appreciate what we have while we have it….. Keep Yourself Sacred.
Finding My Way Back To Me
I have always had healthy eating habits. When I was younger we grew our own tomatoes and other vegetables in a very small yard. I am not a vegetarian (I was vegan for about six months), but I have always prepared vegetarian meals and then added a lean meat. Some sources for good healthy recipes […]
Finding My Way Back To Me
The early bird catches the worm, but worms aren’t very tasty…. Decide what you truly want before you put in the effort, and always follow the signs, Life has a way of directing us to where we must truly be. Keep Yourself Sacred!
Finding My Way Back To Me
We all do things in life…. Some of them we regret, some we do not, some we may never be sure of… All of these events define who we are/what we have become, perhaps we should accept them all as blessings because we are all ultimately good and on the path to learning how to […]
Finding My Way Back To Me
The world will always do what it does, people will always seem good or something else. A smile and a hug are free but can be precious because of their absence. So try to offer smiles and well wishes to all, even those that may not seem to want them-you never know… Try to focus […]
Finding My Way Back To Me
Sometimes it can be difficult to get enough protein during the day. A modification I use is that I substitute hummus for mayonnaise. I do make my own hummus, which means I can use different beans and flavors to taste. If I make a sandwich or a wrap I use hummus, when I make vegetable […]
Finding My Way Back To Me
As long as you are willing to give people are willing to take. Give to yourself first. Keep Yourself Sacred.
Finding My Way Back To Me
We don’t always have to save the world. Sometimes we just have to try and save ourselves, and that can be much harder. keep Yourself Sacred.
Finding My Way Back To Me
Happiness is a practice. It doesn’t always just happen, we need to surround ourselves with things that inspire and make us smile. We must make time for ourselves to stay replenished and energized. Wherever possible, we must remove what/who drains us….. Happiness is a practice! Stay Happy and Keep Yourself Sacred!!!!