Contact me if you are interested in bringing my services to your group, organization or business. I also see clients privately at my office. In addition to stress management, meditation, life coaching, yoga & yoga therapy/cardiac & cancer yoga therapy, mindfulness and other wellness services, I also provide yoga teacher trainings. Visit my profile at […]
Finding My Way Back To Me-Life Coaching
A life coaching practice I try to follow is to pause and observe. Circumstances can affect how we behave or, how people behave towards us. When something good or bad happens I try to pause and watch. In addition to my own reflection on my reactions I observe, who will be there for me, who […]
Integrative Living
A health practice we are all encouraged to do is to drink water. How do we know what is enough? A gage I have always used is my rings, if they are tight then I must drink more water. Weight gain or loss, temperature changes can affect your ring sizing, however, once I am familiar […]
Finding My Way Back To Me
Have faith, life ultimately guides us where we need to go. The trick can be making space to heed that guidance. Keep Yourself Sacred.
Finding My Way Back To Me
As Spring arrives it is a good time to revisit any aspirations and hopes we had for the new year. This is a good time to stop, breathe, asses and decide what we really want to spend our time on and create with the birth of a new season. Keep Yourself Sacred.
Finding My Way Back To Me
Life really is simple: 1. If something is meant to happen it will, 2. Everything happens for a reason–although we may not understand it at the time, 3. Have faith in yourself–you deserve the best, 4. Often the best prayer is, “Thy will be done” (although I sometimes add, gently please). Keep Yourself Sacred!
Finding My Way Back To Me
You can change your life by changing your expectations. There is hope in every breath. Keep Yourself Sacred!
Finding My Way Back To Me
Life is in perpetual flow. We decide if we improve personally in the flow or contemplate regret. Life happens, decide if it happens to make us great or not. Celebrate your greatness and keep yourself sacred!
Integrative Living–Winter Tips
If you live in an area enjoying winter these are a few things I find helpful. Always wear sunscreen, snow increases the effects of the sun and can act like a mirror. This is especially true if you live at a higher elevations. Some of the worse sun burns I have ever seen were from […]
Finding My Way Back To Me
Happy New Year! Each new year we celebrate an ending and a beginning. We release the old and embrace something new. May we all encounter health, happiness and great love in 2017 while always Keeping Ourselves Sacred! Much love!